Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 6.0

Component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.ComputedGroupsServiceImpl


Class: org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.ComputedGroupsServiceImpl


Extension Points

XML Source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.ComputedGroupsServiceImpl">

    <implementation class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.ComputedGroupsServiceImpl" />

        <provide interface="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.ComputedGroupsService" />

    <extension-point name="computer">
    Extension point to contribute a new class to compute virtual groups.

    The contribution should be as the following example :
        <groupComputer name="MyGroupComputerName">

    The contributed class must implement the org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.GroupComputer interface.

    To simplify the Computer group generation you can also contribute a simple group computer without java
    code contribution based on
      <li>user profile metadata (military grade given a abilitation level, for instance)</li>
      <li>metadata given a list of documents (ex: local group)</li>

    For the first case, you just have to contribute:
      <userMetadataGroupComputer enabled="false" xpath="company" groupPattern="grade_%s" name="grade_cg"/>

    Here for each user, during the connection time, Nuxeo affect the group grade_xxx where xxx the value of
    the company metadata stored into the user profile. If the company metadata is empty or contains only spaces
    No group is affected to the user.

    For the second possibility (metadata given a list of documents), you just have to contribute:
      <documentMetadataGroupComputer xpath="dc:title" whereClause="dc:creator = '%s'" groupPattern="creator_%s" name="creator_cg"/>

    Here, we select documents created by the user. For each document found, we affect the group creator_xxx where xxx
    is the title of the document. But you can also try this:

      <documentMetadataGroupComputer xpath="ecm:uuid" whereClause="dc:creator = '%s'" groupPattern="creator_%s" name="creator_cg"/>

    Here, xxx is replaced by the id of the document. XPath value is based on NXQL query and fetch selector. See the NXQL documentation
    to have more information.

    @author Thierry Delprat (
    @author Benjamin JALON (
            class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.GroupComputerDescriptor" />
            class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.UserMetadataGroupComputerDescriptor" />
            class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.DocumentMetadataGroupComputerDescriptor" />


    <extension-point name="computerChain">
    Extension point to set or update the chain of group computer.
    The GroupComputers will be called sequentially according the chain definition.

    The contribution should be of the form :

    By default, each contribution will completly overwrite the chain.
    If you just want to add a new computer to the existing chain, set the append attribute to true.

          <groupComputerChain append="true">

    @author Thierry Delprat (
            class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.computedgroups.GroupComputerChainDescriptor" />
